At Poppies Dental Care, we recognize that concerns about the visibility of orthodontic treatment are common. That’s why we offer ceramic braces, an exceptional option that combines effectiveness with discretion.
Ceramic braces employ the same mechanical principles as traditional metal braces to gently shift your teeth into their ideal alignment. However, the key difference lies in the construction material. Ceramic braces are crafted from clear or tooth-coloured ceramics, rendering them exceptionally inconspicuous. And it’s not just the brackets that blend seamlessly with your teeth; tooth-coloured archwires complete the discreet ensemble. What’s more, ceramic brackets are stain-resistant, ensuring your treatment maintains its discretion throughout.
Ceramic braces are highly effective and suitable for addressing even complex orthodontic concerns. Many adults and teenagers favour them due to their minimal visibility compared to traditional metal braces. Additionally, ceramic braces are a cost-effective discreet option. Some patients opt for a combination of clear and metal braces. To determine the best orthodontic solution for your unique smile and ensure ceramic braces align with your specific needs, we invite you to schedule a complimentary video consultation with us at our Manchester clinic today.
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